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A precaution before I write this, anyone looking for decks on Etsy should be wary of counterfeit decks being sold, they tend to be smaller than the typical deck and bigger than the mini decks, typically the size of regular playing cards instead.

With that out of the way:

The universe is really out here reminding me that I need to do more tarot work.

I personally have the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and the Ostara Tarot by Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale. They both have unique energy and attitudes that I love. Harold (Steampunk) is a stately gentleman who is typically very polite, though you aren't to mistake his manners for being a pushover. I typically use him when working with Hestia. Then there's Lenore (Ostara), who is as chaotic and caring as the deity who claimed her, Loki. I rather enjoy working them together, as I tend to get clearer readings that way. I also have the Literary Witches Oracle by Katy Horan and Taisia Kitaiskaia, named Sylvia, that is fun when Dionysus decides he has opinions.

When reading Tarot I tend to rely on both the book for the deck and biddytarot, which has the meanings for the Rider-Waite deck and can be good for decks whose books don't provide information for reversals or don't give enough meaning, so it's good for clarification. Because while I've learned each deck is different, their overall meanings do tend to be similar enough and it's especially helpful in the beginning.

I look forward to this journey with you!

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